Good Morning

from Facebook

I am at mama's today. I came yesterday to stay a couple of days. Our plan today is going to a thrift store,one of our favorites....The Mission. It helps the local community in many different areas. I really like shopping at such places,as I like the idea of my moneys going toward a good thing!
Also,we will be visiting my sister and niece.  I woke up this morning with a scratchy throat and a cough. I am hoping this isn't the start of some kind of illness. However,something similar is going around. So how will you spend your Wednesday? If I were home I would probably be sorting through stuff,as I am on a quest to rid some things from my home! It is a on going project,but one I mean to stay on top of. When I come here to visit mama....I get an assurance this is something I need to do continuously. Mama has an abundance of things collected over many years. It is very hard for her to part with her things,which creates much clutter. The reason I laid a rule down for myself a few years ago....the rule  ....(things come in.....things must go out).

Mama and I,with Tasha
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Well,with all that said.....I am still learning discipline. That subject will be for another post! I hope you all enjoy your day whatever you may be doing. Thank you all so very much for visiting.


  1. Have fun with your Mama!

    Grace & Peace,

  2. Shelley,

    Thank you for your posts. I was so glad to hear from you.

    Do you know that you look very well in that photo! You do! Wonderful!

    I hope you are feeling more well tomorrow.


  3. Oooh...Tasha is a sweetie!
    What a lovely photo of you and your mama.
    Purging, good for you! I have been passing things on to my two daughters and what they do not want goes to our local thrifty. I wised my husband was willing to let go off things, maybe in time. :-)
    Enjoy your time with your dear mama~

  4. That is an excellent photo of your Mom, you, and Tasha. You and you Mom both look very pretty in pink. This is the perfect season for you to get to visit your Mom for a while.

    We had to do some major rearranging, a little purging of accumulated stuff this past week for home repairs. Husband and i are both worn out from shifting it around, and now it all needs to be purged or put back where it was. Makes me tired to just think of it.

    We are finally having Springlike weather here. I'm loving it.

    Happy Spring!


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John 3:16

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