Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone.
I pray it will be a most happy year for us all. I will do my best to think more positive this year. To try and be more active, to eat better, and to take better care of myself over all. Physically, spiritually and emotionally as well.
I plan to dive back into some hobbies that I have seem to lose interest in over the last few years. And to pick up some new "good" habits and shed some old not so good habits.  Eating when I shouldn't, or what food I shouldn't! I have begin putting some of the weight I lost.... Back on. Not a good thing..... At all! I just wish I could gain some much needed energy  and lose some of the dreaded chronic pain that plaques my life so.

Making Cranberry sauce 
So how was your Christmas?
Mine turned out very well, except I had the flu, along with about half of my immediate family. Texas is rampant with the flu right now. My small home was bursting at the seams with children, grandchildren and two great granddaughters.
We had a wonderful time together, but next year we will most likely gather elsewhere.
Somewhere a bit more spacious anyway.  I hope your first day of 2018 has been a great one.   Blessings to all,  Shelley


  1. Happy New Year Shelley! Our Christmas was very nice. We invited a lady from church over for Christmas dinner and she got to participate in our tradition of Christmas crackers.
    I hope you are feeling all better.

  2. Happy New Year! I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas. We have had a nice Christmas and New Year here. Sorry to hear that you had that flu. It is rampant around here in Missouri, too. One local hospital was filled with flu sufferers and my friend's mother in law had to wait hours and hours to get a room in the
    hospital because they thought the flu was causing a heart problem for her.

    All of the flu everywhere makes it easy to completely give up bringing any carry out food into the house or stopping for fast food. If I don't cook it, we don't eat it. Lots of hand sanitizer for grocery store trips. Aggravating that the flu shot this year is not very effective against the flu strain that is active here.

    It got down to -4 here near St Louis, Mo last night, and predicted very cold again tonight. I will be so happy to see temperatures come up to freezing again.

    Take care and stay cozy.

    Susie D.

  3. Dear Shelley,

    A happy New Year to you, dear friend! Isn't it wonderful that the Lord gives us a fresh start every year (and every day)?



  4. I have started taking 1-2 T a day of apple cider vinegar and felt better within 3 days, has helped my energy level immensely and aches/pains as well. It has also cleared my thinking and I feel much more sharp.
    Happy New Year to you , take care.

  5. Happy New Year, a few days late. Wishing you many blessings and much happiness in the coming year.

  6. Happy New Year, Shelley! I'm sorry you had the flu. I was sick twice last year, and hope to stay well this year! I take a liquid vitamin from Germany once a day; it seems to really help me. I can't eat a lot of Vitamin C as I'm allergic to the acid in it, so the B vitamins really help me out. I also get a lot of sleep. I'll try my best to come here to read your blog in the New Year. Take care!


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John 3:16

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