Tis The Season

Great granddaughter... Eden

And so the Christmas season has arrived. I am trying to keep mine as simple as possible. And to remember why we celebrate Christmas to begin with. Although I know our Lord Jesus was not born on December 25th, it is the day set aside for every believer to celebrate his birth.
Truly, I celebrate Christ in my heart everyday, but Christmas is a very special holiday and  celebration to me. It seems as though the whole world becomes a much more kind and peaceful place during the Christmas season. I just wish it could continue all through the year. There is a great gift of peace in our lives when we accept Jesus as our Savior.
He is the greatest gift ever to mankind. I am thankful to be a child of God.... Without the gift he gave...... We would have been eternally lost.
That is why I celebrate Christmas.

Stars I crocheted for my tree

Reproduction Feather Tree 

My second 🌲 
I do hope your Christmas season has begun in the most blessed way. Keep it simple..... And all should be well.
Blessings to you all, Shelley


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