Chit 🏡 Chat

I have been quite unfaithful to this blog as of late. I miss posting here, and then waiting for faithful followers to read and comment. I find myself busy about the internet on other sites, such as facebook, ebay, etsy, and other harmless, but not as beneficial and and serving as this blog has been to me!
I found out this week I have had a secret follower for some time now.
My grandson Isaiah confess to me that he comes here from time to time and reads through my posts.
He is 19 now and finds it comforting to come here and reminisce. He said to me.......I know that might  sound a bit corny (uncool) but...... 😊
I said. ....No, not at all. I'm flattered that you follow my blog.

That got me to wondering how many of you come here, anticipating fresh words left from me,but find instead a post from days, or maybe even weeks ago.
It is disappointing I know because I have visited blogs myself that I so enjoy, just to find an older post from months or even years ago.
It leaves sort of a empty feeling, for me anyway .

I have some thinking to do. As to what is most important to me at this time in my life. As to what is most beneficial. I will continue to blog, and more regularly I hope. I want to be a blessing. More than anything else. I want you to visit here and leave feeling pleasant, peaceful, and blessed.
More of this next time,  thank you all my dear followers for your faithfulness to this blog through the years.  Blessings, Shelley


  1. I am happy to see your post here today. What a beautiful piece of stained glass you have in your window. I have not been very good about posting on my blog for several months now. I think of things I want to write about and then the inspiration just vanishes into thin air before I sit down and get it done.
    You left one of the first comments, possibly the very first comment, on my blog when I first started out several years ago. You were so encouraging to me. I will always appreciate that.

    Susie D.

  2. Shelley, I am always so excited when I see a new post, from you! I'm horrible about keeping my own blog updated, though. Maybe we should both make a point to post at least once a week on our blogs!

    Grace & Peace,

  3. I am glad you will be trying to blog more. I haven't been blogging as much as I used to either, but want to be more faithful to it. I think that Face Book and other social media is a distraction. You inspire me to do better with my blog. Hope to visit you again soon. Have a good weekend!

  4. Sometimes we go through stages where we don't blog for one reason or another...whether it be because the words don't come, or being too busy in other ways...or simply we forget.

    Lovely that your blog is enjoyed by your grandson.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  5. Hi Shelly! It has been some time for me to blog too. I am trying to do better. I followed your older blog, but glad to follow you here as well.

    I think it's wonderful that your grandsons follows your blog. That is such a blessing!


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John 3:16

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