What's Cooking in my Kitchen

In my little kitchen sautaing squash (from a friend's garden) also chard and kale from my kitchen garden just out my front door. Used olive oil and seasonings to cook it in. Turned out pretty yummy. I don't always cook now that it's just me,but occasionally I get the taste for something.  I'm still trying to eat healthy, but sometimes I opt for something sweet or fried. Not often though.

I hope you all have a great week. 

My great grandbaby Eden and I. 
She is such a joy.


  1. The squash and chard looked delicious. Reminded me that I have some squash I need to cook up very soon.

    Little Eden is beautiful.

  2. Wow- that looks very yummy and you are looking very good and happy too. Have a wonderful week, my blogging friend. :-)

  3. Looks great! We love all of those things too. Your grandbaby is adorable.


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John 3:16

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