Living in Quietness.............

Fourth of July Wreath 
The two weeks I spend at my little mobile cottage was very special for me. Not only did I managed to get many things accomplished (much weeding) around my home,in and out, but I found peace and solitude just being within the walls where I have spent the last 23 years of my life. These days at home are much different than what they once were though. Not a lot of family coming and going as years before,but little short visits here and there from loved ones and friends are wonderful. No slamming of screen doors, kids running in and out as in days before....just quietness and the regular noise of outdoors. Roosters crowing ,birds bells,trucks passing by. That's how it is on "Red Rock Hill" these days!

Now,I am back here at mama's. Back in my little cottage style is as good as you make it, wherever you are. I am contented to be where I am needed.  

Red the Rooster 

Tinkerbell...the tiny sparrow my daughter Regina rescued.  
She has a special way (a gift) with animals, always has! She has rescue many in her life time.


  1. Yes, children grow up and life changes. Different seasons of life. So good that you can stay with your mom and help her out.


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John 3:16

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