Around My Mobile Cottage

Photos from around my home. I haven't been into decorating as much as I once was. I used to spend a whole day fluffing my nest, so to speak.  Moving things around, changing things up a bit, puttering about. My daughter stills comes and cleans for me twice a week so I myself don't even do much housekeeping anymore. These days I more less just spend my days idle.  Too idle, I've got to make some changes.  I've got to push myself  to be more active.  I have lots of projects in mind to do. I just need the energy to do them. I spoke to my doctor and he didn't seem to have much answers for me. Having Fibromalgia,  in my case Chronic fatigue goes right along with it. It's really awful feeling tired constantly.  I really did not mean to go here with this post. I was just going to share the photos and be done, honestly.  Forgive me , as I feel like my post here have been more negative than not as of late.  I hope to change that because I truly want my blog to be a place you all can come and be uplifted and cheered.  I've gone through many changes this year, not only me, but family members as well. With all that said, I'm trusting God to bring us safely to the other side of these difficult situations.  No matter what happens in the faith will always remain.

I think I will putter a bit around my little mobile cottage this afternoon,  then maybe I'll come back another day to share the results with all of you in the way of a more positive post with photos.

This plant below is my Poinsettia from last Christmas.  It's got all new growth and seems to be doing well. I'm hoping to keep it and watch it's leaves turn red before Christmas this year. Blessings, Shelley



  1. Oh My Sweet is hard feeling so poorly and trying to get the energy to move...but do it slowly. It is enough to just do one things a day. Your lovely cottage is just that ... lovely :0) mari

  2. Seems like we might be going through similar struggles. Be encouraged my friend. You are in my prayers.

    1. And you are in mine dear friend. I've missed you ♡

  3. Sometimes it is a struggle to put one foot in front of the other. Little by little though one can accomplish much but it is difficult. Wishing you good energy!

    1. Yes my friend, little by little, one day at a day......blessings ♡

  4. I just discovered your blog, I hope you are feeling better. I have also been sick recently and not had energy to do anything but much better now and looking forward to getting a lot done.

    1. Welcome Elizabeth, do come back often. So glad you are feeling better ♡

  5. Shelley: Your sufferings are a treasure to be offered up to Jesus in union with His sufferings on the cross along with your prayers for your children and grandchildren. We will never know until we reach heaven how much this has helped. Meanwhile, I pray God gives you a respite in your sufferings so that you may have joy. Andrea

    1. You are so right Andrea, we are to count it all joy ♡

  6. I always keep you in my prayers sweet friend. I know you have a lot to deal with. I posted Wednesday Wee ones today so of course I thought of you! Sweet hugs, Diane

    1. Thank you so much my dear sweet friend. Your dollies always make me smile. I have your card you sent me hanging in my kitchen, and I always think of you when I glance at it ♡

  7. Praying for you , i love your blog and simple life, thats the way the Lord wants, not always we can because of many responsabilities in the family, working outside the door, but i have peace now about it...serving my husband and son is also Gods will, blessings sweet friend...loves from us


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John 3:16

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