Through it All

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              My great grandbaby Eden . What a joy she is to my life,as are all my grands and greats. they put a little spunk back in ones life. I have nine grands and three greats! Of which four of my grands are already grown. Time truly does fly,doesn't it ? Also time brings many changes to ones sure has mine anyway! Some I didn't think I would survive ,but for the grace of God.....go I! Isn't God amazing? He is always right on time. We just have to trust him....through it all. I hope you all have a wonderfully blessed weekend.


  1. Hi Shelley! It has been awhile since I visited your blog. No particular reason, I guess just wrapped up in the day to day life. I haven't spent much time on my own blog either, until just recently. God is so amazing! I agree with you wholeheartedly! I have one daughter and one granddaughter and that's all there will be unless the Lord decides that we need a miracle. I read a few post back and saw that you have had some back trouble. I pray you are much better by now. Take care! :o)


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John 3:16

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