Vitamin Cottage


We found a new grocery store in our area.  It's all organic and health food items. They also sell all natural cleaning supplies as well as bath products.  I'm going to be making this store my main source for shopping for groceries from now on.  My daughter loves it as well. While I thought it was new altogether, in fact it's been  in business for over fifty years, and is just new to our area.  There are over ninety stores around the USA. Maybe there is one close by you.

Vitamin Cottage-Natural Grocers

Google image

We also visited a new Toy store where I purchased a few things on clearance. We found a city wide garage sale too. It was a fun day and I was glad to be out and about as it had been a while.  I pray you all have a blessed, most relaxing Lord's day tomorrow.  Thank you for stopping by.  Shelley



  1. Thank You for the lovely compliment on My post.Sounds like You had a fun day.God's perfect colors are aglow in the photo of the vegetables.I need to burn the last prose into My can be so heartbreaking-love You,Denise

  2. We have that grocery store here. I always intend to go there, as well as Sprouts, but I always forget when it's shopping time. I will have to check it out but right now I can't eat those beautiful veggies so I will wait.

    Grace & Peace

  3. Shelley...little by little. You will get there with Our Lord's help my dear lady. be blessed! mari

  4. Hope we get a store like this around here soon! Thanks for the info. We try to eat organic as much as possible. Glad you have been out and about!

  5. Never heard of it, but it looks great! I'd like to explore it.


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John 3:16

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